Hey ho, lets go!

In light of our current house bound situation, I’ve created some crafty iso entertainment for the kids (and big kids too), in the form of free printable downloads of my rock’n roll paper dolls, Joey Ramone and Debbie Harry (Blondie).


I loved paper dolls as a kid and spent hours creating costumes for my hand made dolls. I originally created Rock n Dolls for a book (that didn’t get published) but I’m making them available to all of my subscribers. If you’re not a current subscriber, please subscribe in the pop up and the download will be sent straight to you.


You can download in colour or (if you really need time to get some shit done), give them to your kids in black and white to colour in first.



Loosely cut out the body and base and glue onto cardboard using a glue stick or spray adhesive. I used 1.5mm craft board, but you could use any stiff cardboard you have laying around, old packaging, cereal boxes, etc.


Cut the dolls out using a sharp craft knife (adults you will probably need to do this). For doll stability do not cut the area between the legs.


Fit the base together where the slots meet in a cross shape. Your doll should now stand.

Cut each item of clothing. Remember to keep the tabs intact. 


Now dress up Joey and Deb!

You could also make other items of clothing or accessories. Just trace the shape of the doll and get creative.

If the tabs are too tricky for your little ones, forget the tabs and glue clothes directly on. Whatever works for you!

I’d also love to see pics of your finished dolls (don’t forget to tag me @nerylwalker so I can see).

Stay safe, happy crafting and keep rockin!

neryl xxx

*This is for personal use only. For commercial use or reproduction, please contact me first.

Rock n Dolls printable paper dolls here.